
Name that body part.

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Get busy and creative, turning recycled materials into life- sized images of you. Can you name and label the basic parts of the human body? What about organs like the heart and stomach?

What you need:

  • Large piece of recycled cardboard, e.g. a flattened packaging box, or sheet of paper (Top tip: It needs to be as long as the person you are drawing around)
  • A person to draw around
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Materials for adding detail to the outline ; e.g. colouring pens and pencils, recycled wrapping paper, construction paper, bits of fabric, ribbon, kitchen foil, buttons, wool, paint
  • Glue (Top tip: White craft glue dries clear)
  • Optional: Paper for writing labels

What to do:

  1. Lay the piece of flattened cardboard, or paper, flat on the ground.

  2. Ask the person you are drawing around to lie carefully down on the middle of the piece card/paper.

  3. Use a pencil to draw around the outside of their body.

  4. When you have finished drawing around the person, help them to get back up. (You should see a life-sized outline of them on the card/paper.)

  5. Decorate the outline with wool, paint etc. Have fun and be creative!

  6. Display your life-sized image on a door, wall or fridge and use it to develop your science and language skills by asking questions e.g.

  • What's this part of the body called?

  • Can you point to the knee, elbow...?

  • Can you match these labels with the right part of the body?

  • Can you point to where some of the body's organs are, e.g. heart, stomach?

  • Can you point to where some of the body's muscles are, e.g. biceps, triceps?

  • Do you know what the word for, e.g. eyes, is in another language e.g. French, Spanish, Chinese?

Extension Activity:

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 4.

  2. Use pens and pencils to draw, and label, organs, muscles and bones inside the life-sized body outline.

  3. Talk about what you have drawn. Use books and computers to find out more about how your body works.

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