This weekend, my brother sent me a video of his kids playing on the beach in Tasmania, it's summer there right now. Ok, I have to admit I was a little envious...I live in Canada and it's winter here, cold and snowy! But the video got me thinking and inspired a sensory play activity outside that encouraged exploration of the natural environment and ...
Be creative and develop your maths skills as you print with paint to make repeating pattern art. Display your art work on a wall, or fridge, or use it to make your own wrapping paper and greetings cards.
Go on a repeating pattern hunt around your house and garden.
Can you find any examples of repeating patterns, ...
Grab a bowl of water, a few empty washed out plastic food containers and some spoons and get playing.
Water play is a fun, sensory activity that encourages exploration, investigation and creativity. Water play activities can be set up indoors, or outdoors, and help your child to develop language, motor, cognitive and social skills.
Get your kids being creative maths detectives and investigating tessellation using 2D shape patterns. Display their art on the wall, or fridge, or use it to make inexpensive personalized cards or bookmarks.
What is tessellation?
Tessellations are repeating patterns of 2D shapes that ...
Get your kids being creative making pictures from 2D shapes. Display their art on the wall, or fridge, or use it to make inexpensive personalized cards or bookmarks.
What you need:
2D shapes to draw round;
Go on a shape hunt around your house or garden. Find 2D ...