Play dough is an easy to make, inexpensive, modelling material. Using just a few ingredients, your kids can get creative making their own modelling dough and sculpting it into their own role-play toys, letters and models.
Store your home-made play dough in an airtight container in the fridge and re-use it.
Make a delicious picnic for your Teddy Bears with air dry salt dough.
Air dry salt dough is an easy to make, inexpensive, modeling material. Using just flour, salt and water, your kids can get creative making their own modeling dough and sculpting it into their own role-play toys, models and decorations.
Be a creative, science detective. Make your own Whirly, Twirly Spinning Top toys, have fun playing with them and think about how you can make them spin faster and longer.
Try out your ideas.
What you need:
A piece cardboard
A circular object e.g. tin, cup, small bowl to draw around or ...