Gluten-free Play dough
We needed a gluten-free play dough recipe for sensory open-ended, process-based play experiences and tried this one. Given to us by a colleague, the recipe was easy to follow and quick to make, although it did require cooking.
To add an extra sensory element to the play experience, we added a teaspoon of cinnamon to the mixture as we cooked it.
The children had lots of fun combining loose parts with the play dough to create cakes, pizza's and rockets!
We will be making this play dough again and adding a few drops of food colouring, or peppermint oil, to create different sensory play experiences.
Check out the recipe for gluten-free play dough, or print a free copy here
As the children played, we asked open-ended questions e.g.
Tell me what you are doing?
I wonder how I could make sprinkles for my cake?
I wonder what else I could make out of play dough?
How can I give everyone a piece of my pizza?
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