In writing this, I hope to share some of the learning strategies that I have used both in the classroom as a teacher , and as a mum with my own kids. These strategies are intended to be a resource of practical ideas that you can try to help your child achieve their potential.
Remember, you know your child the best and there is no one-fit-all strategy that works. Children learn differently, so helping your child achieve their potential, may involve some trial and error. Some of the strategies may work for your child, others may not. Some may work for a little while but may need to be adapted as your child develops.
But you may find a strategy that helps you to help your child grow.
Our now grown children, both with learning differences, have recently embarked on what they both call "adulting" and living away from mum and dad. It has been, and continues to be, a steep learning curve for them and all I can say is thank goodness for video calling and text messages!